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Derrivatives trading, in Indonesia, has some incredible advantages as follows:

Very Liquid
The investment fund can be withdrawn anytime, either partial or the whole amount. The withdrawal may be conducted due to national banking office hours.

It is very liquid
Your fund can be withdrawn anytime, both partial or entire capital. The withdrawal can be condcted within Indonesia banking hours.

Clients fund is free from manipulating
Your fund is very safe and free from manipulating by certain parties like the trader or the company itself, since the fund is deposited into a segeregated account belongs to futures brokerage firm appointed by government c.q. Coftra (Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi, Bappebti in short). Futures broke acts as mediator for client and JFX. So, in principle, client invests his money into Jakarta Futures Exchange, not at each brokerage. firm. And you must know that there are periodical audits by Indonesian Derivatives Clearing House (Kliring Berjangka Indonesia in bahasa Indenesia), so that fund of clients are absolutely unchanged unless being traded by trusted party such his trader.

Actually, there are so many remaining advantages you could have through this world of finance.

But, this field has a very terrible threat. Yes, it is true thata clientt's fund is free from manipulating, but the risk is...client can suffer a big loss. On the other side, by trading currency and stock index, it is quite possible gaining very big profit.

Let us think it deeply. Let us think for a while on what the meaning of manipulating-free guaranteed but it is not safe of being loss, meanwhile I am pretty sure that what you have been looking for is free-risk both being manipulated and suffering loss. And it is just not only that, you must be expecting a stable and high-relative return, of course.

Allright... The safe instrument of being manipulated actually has been existing i.e. Sock index and currency trading, well known as Stodex and Forex for each. Now, what we have to do is to think the way how to make money constantly from our transactions. Yes, we are talking about what strategy must be used is.

In conducting stodex and forex transactions, 99.99% of Indonesian traders and investors are using one way trading strategy, in which they will gaining profit when holding position is correct and the vice versa. In fact, far abroaed, there is a very accurate strategy for making money through this trading. This very valuable strategy is called as Arbitrage, and sometimes it is called as Hedge Trade Strategy (Two way trading strategy).

By the existing of Arbitrage as trading strategy, so the mix of basic concept advantages stated avbove and the arbitrage's advantage as trading strategy, it has been full our mortar at trading: free from capital manipulating and free from suffering loss.